It takes time for one to know another I'm pretty sure most of the people agree with this, but it takes greater time for one to gain trust and go to another person's house so first, thank you Hans for inviting me over =D
It was 2 weeks ago on Saturday. Originally intended to just fool around earlier on before going for his Open house but he was busy so went there kindaf early to help him out. Sorry it will be a bit lengthy to describe how it went xP Since everyone came at different times, we get to catch up with them seperately :O But one thing for sure, everyone started to feast on the food he prepared around 8 xP Head to the rooftop not long after that >_>
This picture more or less shows everyone that's present on that day XP
Ivan and Jan chatting while Ryan syok sendiri =X
Sayang him back la give him some face take a picture of him
Yes boss! But I thought we should be dining at his house together? D:
Now I know why people don't allow residents go to the rooftop, too many people doing silly stuff at the rooftop and in the end *Jumps* Well you should understand =X
See my point? 1 people is thinking of love while the person next to him is feeling the regret that he knew that person while another one wants world domination and wishes for everyone to hail him. This a bit ._. Time to take a change, MALAYSIA BOLEH! I mean KLCC BOLEH!
We can even see it from far xP
Yes, humans at the rooftop and you're not mistaking it! They've got CCTV there too but we escaped it xP We are not suppose to be taking pictures but...who cares? Friends are around with a camera on hand, of course take pictures =D
Humans + Humans = Bunch of Humans :O All secondary school friends in one group picture =D From here onwards, we were just lying down relaxing while Jan become our photographer :O
Kindaf dark yes D:
3 of us me Ivan and ZL >_>
ZY 'hang fuk giler' XP
Yes everyone becomes more and more syok sendiri mode =D
Oh em gee D: Do I see...2 guys together? ><
We are MAD!
Yes we are always like this =D
And now we are praying! Praying for a lot of things >_>
FH...lost in the dreamland :O
o_O I really have no idea what we are doing other than looking outside ~_~
Ivan and Jan xP
The place we pray =D
The emo fellas >_>
FH caught on the phone speaking with someone...special o.o So secretive ~_~
Lovely rooftop indeed, after spending our time at rooftop we went back to his house and chit chat for a bit before we chao >_> So more or less yeah the end of the post D: This sat SK BBQ! Hope can have pictures from him since camera is still dead as ever :O Till then :D
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